Monday, May 12, 2008

Operation: Procrastination

Yeah I have a shit exam in Systems Modelling tomorrow and im doing as much procrastinating as possible. My Alienware laptop is currently in my fridge, why? I nearly burnt out the GPU. But thats a good thing, It works. At least sometimes.

What i learned today? The existance of "MXM", the first and only standard GPU interface for laptops. It basically means i DONT have to send my laptop back into the clutches of the evil corporations to fix it, i can buy a new graphics card and just simply slot it in. Its a great invention but its purposely kept quiet. Most new laptops have it, bet you didnt know! Yours probably does, except itll say it nowhere on any documentation.

Heres what it looks like:

Note: Coke cap added for good measure...

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